Pete Hayns Documentary Director Of Photography


'Fake Or Fortune'
BBC Studios Bristol/ BBC1
4 x 60 mins; HD FX9; SP: Seb Barfield
Series 13 of the long running & popular programme presented by Fiona Bruce & Philip Mould looking at the provenance and authenticity of submitted works of art TX: 2025

'Zombie Animals'

Off The Fence/ National Geographic
2 x 60 mins; 4K FX9; Director: Aaron Paul
Pieces to camera and links as Dan O'Neill explores the world of parasitic organisms TX: October 2024


'Royal Autopsy'

Phoenix Television/ Sky History
Series 2; 4 x 45 mins (contributing); HD FX9; Director: Paul Olding
Second series with Alice Roberts looks at the deaths of UK monarchs through reconstructed autopsies TX: March 2024

'In the Footsteps Of Marco Polo'
One Tribe TV/ CCTV

4 x 60
mins; 4K FX9; Directors: Dale Templar, Owen Gay, Mini Templar-Gay
Eight weeks in China as Stanley Johnson travels from the Pakistan border to Beijing TX: 2024


‘Born To Be Wild’
Offspring Films/ Apple TV
Contributing; 4K Red Gemini; Director: Rowan Musgrave
Filming captive lemurs in Madagascar prior to release in the wild TX: 2024

'The Future From Above'
Off The Fence/ Sky
Contributing; 4K FX9; Director: Becky Evans
Looking how innovation & technology is contributing to combatting the effects of climate change. Iceland, Denmark & Netherlands TX: 2023

Off The Fence/ Curiosity Stream
5 x 60 mins; 4K FX9
; Directors: Rob Myler, Della Golding
Presenter Dan O'Neill looks at animal giants of the present and compares them to those of the past. Kenya, Botswana, Australia, Brazil & UK TX: 2022

'America's National Parks'

Wildstar/ National Geographic
4K Red Gemini; Director: Anwar Mamon
Intro and links with First Lady Jill Biden at the Grand Canyon for a major wildlife series TX: 2023

'Royal Autopsy'

Phoenix Television/ Sky History
2 x 45 mins (contributing); HD FX9; Director: Paul Olding
Alice Roberts investigates the deaths of our monarchs through reconstructed autopsies TX: February 2023

'The Rescue: 54 Hours Under The Ground'

One Tribe TV/ BBC One Wales
 1 x 60mins (contributing); 4K FS7; Director: Tom Cunningham
Cave filming for a dramatic reconstruction of a major accident and evacuation in the Brecon Beacons TX: May 2023

'Planet Earth III'
BBC Natural History Unit/ BBC1
Contributing; 4K Red Gemini; Director: Nick Easton
In Pakistan for a people/ wildlife story for the freshwater episode of the upcoming series TX 2023


True To Nature/ Netflix & Sky Nature
Contributing; 4K Red Gemini; Director: Julian Thomas
Brown bears in Kamchatka Russia TX: 2022

'Charlotte Church's Dream Build'
Koska/ Discovery+
Contributing; HD PXW FS7; Exec: Jobim Sampson

Observational filming following the singer's ambitious project to renovate a house & estate in mid-Wales to create a holiday retreat TX: 2022

'Wild Babies'
Humble Bee Films/ Netflix
Contributing; 4K Red Gemini; Director: Nalini Crack
In Uganda with banded mongoose TX: 2022

'Years That Rocked the World'
Off The Fence Productions/ Curiosity Stream
6 x 50 mins (contributing); 4K PXW FS7; SP: Darren New
Lit interviews with key figures looking at historic years in recent history TX:2021

'Great National Parks'
Wild Space Productions/ Netflix
Contributing; 4K Red Gemini; Director: Sarah Peat
Gorillas in Rwanda TX: 2022


'Ancient Engineering'
Off the Fence Productions/ ZDF
10 x 45mins; HD PXW FS7; Exec: Jobim Sampson
Interviews for series looking at historical innovation and invention TX: 2020

Plismsoll Productions/ Netflix
Contributing; 4K Red Gemini; Director: Emily Vaughan-Williams
In Thailand to film a sequence with clouded leopards TX: 2021


'Age Of Nature'
Brian Leith Productions/ BBC2 & PBS
3 x 50mins (contributing); 4K PMW F55; Director: Amy Young
In Scotland looking at attempts at rewilding for a series highlighting those working with nature for the good of the planet TX: 2020

'Animal Impossible'
BBC Natural History Unit/ BBC Studios
10 x 50mins; 4K Arri Amira/ Panasonic Varicam LT; Directors: John Shackleton, Dave Denny, James Reed
A light-hearted look at claims of amazing animal feats with presenters Tim Warwood and Adam Gendle. Namibia, South Africa, USA, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Guyana TX: 2020 View Clip


'Animals At Play'
Offspring Films/ BBC2, Blue Ant Media, ZDF
2 x 50mins; 4K PMW F55/R7; Directors: Dan Perowne, Laura Whitley (SP)
A look at play in animals and the thinking behind how it benefits them socially and individually. Filming in Austria, USA, Uganda, Kenya, Namibia, Thailand & Japan TX: 2019 View Clip

'The Misadventures Of Melvin'
Rebel Media/ Disney Channel
3 x 5mins: HD PXW FS7; Director: Aaron Paul
Children's shorts about a hapless sheepdog who wrongly thinks he's in control of a farm TX: 2018


'Natural World: Red Ape'
Offspring Films/ BBC2
1 x 60 mins; HD PXW FS7; Director: Rowan Musgrave
With the plight of the orang-utan at a critical stage a look at rescue efforts in Indonesian Borneo and what the future could hold for the island's forests TX: May 2018 View Clip
Grierson Award 2018 Shortlist for Best Natural History Documentary

'My Family & The Galapagos'
Seadog Productions/ Channel 4
3 x 50 mins (contributing); 4K PMW F5; Directors: Tom Whitworth, Ben Roy (SP)
Broadcaster & biologist Monty Halls takes his family to the Galapagos to reveal the islands' wonders but also the threats to their future TX: 2018

'Wild Animal Babies'
Offspring Films/ Sky One
3 x 50 mins (contributing); 4K PMW F55/ PXW FS7; Directors: Sannah Handslip, Dan Perowne
A look at the survival strategies for young animals with Patrick Aryee. Baby elephants & hyenas in Kenya & woolly monkeys in Peru  TX: March 2018

'Animals Behaving Badly'
BBC Natural History Unit/ BBC1
3 x 50 mins (contributing); HD PMW F55; Director: Hannah Gibson
Liz Bonnin looks at how 'bad' behaviour can give animals a survival advantage. Puff adders in South Africa & to Tanzania for chimps at Gombe & hyenas in the Serengeti TX:  July 2018 View clip

'One Wild Day'
Offspring Films/ Sky One
1 of 4 x 50 mins (contributing); 4K PMW F55/ PXW FS7; Director: Vicki Buckley
In Costa Rica & Panama filming capuchins and sloths contributing to the Jungle film of a series looking at a day in the natural history of the planet TX: 2018


'Sound Of Musicals'
BBC Bristol/ BBC4
1 of 3 x 60mins; HD PXW FS7; Director: Andy Hall
Composer and musician Neil Brand delves into the world of musicals and what makes them perennially so popular TX: January 2017 View clip

'Dogs, An Amazing Animal Family'
Offspring Films/ Sky One
3 x 50 mins (contributing); 4K PMW F55/ PXW FS7; Directors: Sam Hodgson, Lara Bickerton
An international look at the world of dogs with Patrick Aryee. Filming in USA, Namibia, Mongolia & UAE TX: Easter 2017
RTS Awards 2018 Nomination Best Science & Natural History Series

'Animal Symphony'
Quickfire Media/ Sky Arts
1 x 60 mins (contributing); HD PXW FS7; Director: Mark Fielder
Chris Packham explores the discovery that animals may be more capable of responding to music than we ever realised TX: December 2016

Monkeys, An Amazing Animal Family
Offspring Films/ Sky One
3 x 50 mins;  4K PMW F55/ PXW FS7;  Directors: Alex Williamson (EP), Clare Dornan
A international jouney with Patrick Aryee for an overview of the primate world. Filming in Madagascar, Namibia, Uganda, China, Thailand, Indonesia, Brazil & Belize TX:  Christmas 2016 View clip
Grierson Award 2017 Nomination for Best Natural History Documentary
Wildscreen Panda Awards 2018 Nomination Popular Broadcast 


'The Story Of Cats'
Plimsoll Productions/ ITV
3 x 45 mins (contributing);  HD PXW FS7;  Directors: Sam Hodgson (SP), Jo Haley, Anwar Mamon
To Japan, Thailand, Costa Rica, USA & UK for stories including clouded leopards, ocelots, pumas and the word's largest domestic cat TX: March 2016

'World's Weirdest Events'
BBC Natural History Unit/ BBC2
8 x 60 mins (contributing);  HD PMW F55;  Director: John Shackleton
In a ghost town in Nevada with Chris Packham filming links for a series looking at strange phenomenon of natural history and science TX: September 2015 View clip

'Primal Survivor: Killer Climb'
Icon Films/ National Geographic
1 of 8 x 50 mins;  HD PMW F55;  Director: Anwar Mamon
Survival expert Hazen Audel takes a journey through northern Tanzania, utilising the skills and techniques of the local people TX: February 2016 View clip 

‘Dogs, Their Secret Lives: Series 2’
Arrow Media/ Channel 4
3 x 60 mins; HD C300, HD PMW F5;  Directors: Kirsty Wilson (SP), Owen Gower
Another series looking into the world of problematic dog behaviour TX: June 2015

'Primal Survivor: Cannibal Legend'
Icon Films/ National Geographic
1 of 8 x 50 mins;  HD PMW F55;  Director: Anthony Barwell
Hazen Audel ventures to the rivers and jungles of Papua New Guinea TX: January 2016 View clip


‘Big Cats, An Amazing Animal Family
Offspring Films/ Sky One
2 x 50 mins;  4K PMW F55;  Directors: Alex Williamson, Martin Williams
Patrick Aryee looks at the incredible evolution and specialisation of the cat family. Filming in Namibia, South Africa, USA, Belize, Thailand, Indonesia & Morocco  TX: December 2015 View clip
Grierson Award 2016 Shortlist for Best Natural History Documentary
BAFTA Nomination 2016 Craft Award for Factual Photography

‘Super Cute Animals’
BBC Natural History Unit/ BBC1
1 x 60 mins; HD PMW F5;  Director: Chloe Pearne
Gordon Buchanan reveals how animal features that elicit a ‘cute response’ in us are actually key to a species’ success. Filming in USA. Kenya & UK TX: February 2015

‘Dogs, Their Secret Lives: Series 1’
Arrow Media/ Channel 4
3 x 60 mins; HD C300;  Directors: Kirsty Wilson (SP), Sid Bennett
Mark Evans looks at dogs with behavioural and physical problems and how they might be remedied TX: August 2014

‘Super Senses, The Secret Power Of Animals’
BBC Natural History Unit/ BBC2
3 x 60 mins; HD PMW F55;  Directors: Sam Hodgson, Kirstine Davidson, Alex Williamson (SP)
A look into the world of animal senses and how they outperform our own. With presenters Patrick Aryee & Helen Czerski in the USA, Caribbean, South Africa, Namibia & UK TX: August 2014 View clip


‘The Spy Who Brought Down Mary Queen Of Scots’
Quickfire Media/ Channel 5 & Nat Geo
1 x 60 mins; HD Varicam 3700/ C300Director: Mark Fielder
Exploring the Elizabethan fear and paranoia with regard to Catholics and the parallels with our current approach to potential threats to our security TX: May 2014

'Talk To The Animals'
Boundless Productions/ BBC1
2 x 60 mins; HD PDW F800;  Director: Kim Maddever
What we understand about animal communication and the insight it gives us into their world. With presenter Lucy Cooke. Filming in Panama, USA, Uganda, Kenya & UK TX: July 2014

‘Wonders Of The Monsoon: Bishnoi'
BBC Natural History Unit/ BBC2
1 of 5 x 60 mins (contributing); 4K Red Epic;  Director: Alison Tunnicliffe
A look at the Bishnoi people of Rajasthan, India, regarded as amongst the world’s first environmental conservationists, demonstrated by a strong love and care of their surrounding wildlife. For the final programme in the series TX: 2014 View clip

'The Burrowers, Animals Underground'
Dragonfly TV/ BBC2
3 x 60 mins;  HD PDW F800;  Directors: Martin Williams, Kirsty Wilson, Oliver Page
Chris Packham presents a unique insight into British underground mammals with specially built sets to allow observation of their subterranean life TX: August 2013
Grierson Award 2014 Nomination for Best Science Or Natural History Documentary

‘Wild Burma, Nature’s Lost Kingdom’
BBC Natural History Unit/ BBC2
2 of 3 x 60 mins;  HDX900;  Director: Anwar Mamon, SP: Sanna Handslip
Into Burma (Myanmar), where a gradual loosening of political restrictions allows a team of scientists and wildlife camera people to explore what natural history is hidden in the country’s remote forests TX: November 2013

'Great British Winter'
BBC Bristol/ BBC2
5 x 60 mins;  HD Varicam 2700;  Director: Will Ridgeon
Ellie Harrison visits the Lakes, Shetland and the Cairngorms to explore winter wildlife stories TX: February 2013


’David Attenborough’s Rise Of Animals’
Atlantic Productions/ BBC2
2 x 60mins (contributing);  HD PDW F800;  Director: David Lee
Filming in the UK & Europe contributing to a look at how animals first evolved backbones, moved onto land and their subsequent success TX: September 2013

'Bill Bailey’s Jungle Hero: Wallace In The Spice Islands'
BBC Natural History Unit/ BBC2
1 of 2 x 60 mins;  HD Varicam 2700/ C300;  Director: Sam Hodgson
The popular comedian travels to Indonesia to celebrate the intrepid but oft ignored naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace, whose ideas on natural selection prompted Darwin to publish his own theories TX: April 2013 View clip

'The Nile - The Ultimate River'
Cosmos Factory/ Nat Geo
1 of 3 x 50 mins (contributing);  HDW750;  Director: Clare Dornan
In the jungles of Rwanda exploring the wildlife and people in the region surrounding the source of the Nile TX: 2013

'Who Do You Think You Are?: Alex Kingston'
Wall To Wall/ BBC1
1 x 60 mins;  HDX900;  Director: Sarah Feltes
The Doctor Who and former ER actress on a journey into her family past for the perennially popular genealogy series TX: September 2012 View clip

'Revealed, The King’s War On Witches'
Quickfire Media/ Channel 5 & Nat Geo
1 x 60 mins;  HD Varicam 3700/ Sony F3Director: Mark Fielder
Drama doc exploring how King James’ obsession with witchcraft led to the persecution and death of thousands in 16th century Britain TX: September 2012

'The Dark, Nature’s Nighttime World'
BBC Natural History Unit/ BBC2
1 of 3 x 60mins (contributing);  HDX900;  Directors: Rowan Musgrave, Jonny Keeling (SP)
In Belize and Costa Rica to discover the nocturnal wildlife resident in the jungle. With presenters Gordon Buchanan and George McGavin TX: July 2012 View clip


'Wild Case Files 2'
Tigress Productions/ National Geographic
2 of 10 x 60min;  HDX900;  Directors: Sam Hodgson, Jess Tombs, Chiara Bellati
In Namibia, South Africa, Italy & the UK to unearth strange stories of the natural world TX: 2012

'Natural World: Safe In The City'
BBC Natural History Unit/ BBC2
1 x10 min;  HD Varicam;  Director: Verity White
Short to accompany a film on African bees looking at London urban bee keeping with presenter George McGavin TX: 2011

’Stan Lee’s Superhumans 2’
Off The Fence/ History Channel US
5 of 10 x 60 mins;  HDX900;  Director: Anwar Mamon
Second series continues the search for individuals with amazing talents. Filming in the US, Canada, South Africa, Malaysia, UK, Serbia & Germany TX: 2012


‘Bomb Hunters’
Empire Media/ History Channel UK
1 x 90 min;  HD Varicam 3700;  Director: Steven Clarke
Former bomb disposal officer Chris Hunter looks at the history of the battle between the designers and diffusers of explosive devices from Northern Ireland to Afghanistan TX: 2011

Off The Fence/ History Channel US
4 of 8 x 60 mins;  HDX900;  Director: Alex Parkinson
An international presenter-led quest to find people with seemingly ’superhuman’ talents. Filming in the UK, Norway, Finland, Switzerland, India, the Caribbean, US, & Morocco TX: 2010 View clip

’To Kill A Mockingbird At 50'
BBC Wales/ BBC4
1 x 60 min;  DSR;  Director: Ros Edwards
Writer Andrew Smith travels to the American Deep South to explore the legacy of a literary classic on the 50th anniversary of its publication TX: July 2010 View clip

‘Human Planet: Jungles’
BBC Natural History Unit/ BBC1 & Discovery
1 of 8 x 60 mins (contributing);  HD Varicam;  Directors: Willow Murton, Rachael Kinley
In the Brazilian Amazon to film two stories including the Matis tribe who hunt monkeys with blowpipes. Contributing to the Jungle film of this major series TX: January 2011
Emmy Craft Winner 2012 Cinematography (Doc & Long Form)
RTS Winner 2011 Craft Award for Photography (Documentary)
BAFTA Nomination 2011 Craft Award for Factual Photography


‘David Attenborough’s First Life’
Atlantic Productions/ BBC2 & Discovery
2 x 60mins;  HD F900R;  Director: Martin Williams
David Attenborough travels to Canada and Australia to investigate the fossil origins of the planet's very first animal life TX: November 2010 View clip
BAFTA Nomination 2011 Craft Award for Factual Photography
Emmy Award Winner 2011 for Outstanding Nature Programming

‘Around The World In Eighty Days’
BBC Bristol/ BBC1
1 of 6 x 60 mins;  HDX900;  Director: Robert Murphy
Following Matt Baker & Julia Bradbury of Countryfile through Kazakhstan, Russia & Mongolia as part of a series in which celebrities have to circumnavigate the globe by relay with no air travel TX: October 2009 View clip

'Raging Planet 2: Blizzard'
Pioneer Productions/ Discovery
1 of 6 x 60 mins (contributing);  HD Varicam;  Director: Alex Williamson
Filming in Patagonia, the Rockies & New Hampshire to tell the story of those who have experienced big snow events TX: September 2009 View clip

‘Wildest Dreams’
BBC Entertainment & Natural History Unit/ BBC1
7 x 60 mins;  HDX900;  Series Producer: Spencer Kelly
Nine hopefuls travel to southern & eastern Africa to undertake wildlife filming challenges with one prize of a job as a researcher in the BBC Natural History Unit. Two months observational filming as part of a multi-camera team TX: Summer 2009


'Weather: Snow'
BBC Scotland/ BBC2 & 4
1 of 3 x 60 mins;  Digibeta;  Director: Nick Jordan
The history, science and culture of snowfall in Britain TX: April 2009

'Raging Planet 2: Hurricane'
Pioneer Productions/ Discovery
1 of 6 x 60 mins;  HD Varicam;  Director: Alex Williamson
Visiting Taiwan & the States to investigate the genesis and movement of the world's biggest storms and talking to those who've survived and documented their full force TX: August 2009

'North South Divide'
BBC Bristol/ BBC4
1 x 60 mins;  DSR;  Director: Robert Murphy
Journalist John Harris investigates the prevalence of the stereotypical English division between the north and south of the country TX: April 2009  View clip

'Between The Lines'
BBC Bristol/ BBC4
1 x 60 mins;  DSR;  Director: Sebastian Barfield
A personal reflection on the influence of the railways in British writing and film by the author Andrew Martin TX: October 2008

'Raging Planet 2: Tornado'
Pioneer Productions/ Discovery
1 of 6 x 60 mins;  HD Varicam;  Director: Alex Williamson
In the 'Tornado Alley' of the central USA during one of the most active storm seasons for decades TX: August 2009 View clip

'South Pacific: Fragile Paradise’
BBC Natural History Unit/ BBC2
1 of 6 x 60 mins (contributing);  HD Varicam;  Producer: Jonathan Clay
On board the largest vessel in the Greenpeace fleet as she patrols the high seas of the Pacific targeting illegal tuna fishing. Part of a series looking at the wildlife and people of the South Pacific region TX: June 2009 View clip

'Mr & Mrs Wolf'
Tigress Productions/ Channel 5
2 x 60 mins;  Digibeta;  Director: Clare Dornan
Observational films following Shaun Ellis, a wolf expert famous for living with his pack based in a North Devon park, as he attempts to integrate his partner Helen into the animals' complex hierarchy TX: February 2009  View clip


'Strictly Courtroom'
BBC Bristol/ BBC4
1 x 90 mins;  DSR;  Director: Georgina Harvey
Interviews Stateside & in the UK exploring the use of the courtroom as a dramatic setting in feature film TX: March 2008

'What Britain Earns'
BBC Bristol/ BBC2
1 x 90 mins;  DSR;  Directors: Anna Gravelle, Robert Murphy
An energetic nationwide investigation into the income of Britain's work-force by Peter & Dan Snow TX: January 2008

'Return To The Cruise'
BBC Bristol/ BBC2
5 x 30mins;  DSR;  Director: Paul Tucker
Observational filming & interviews at home, on a cruise ship to France & in the States to catch up with characters from the 10-year-old series 'The Cruise' TX: August 2008

'Everest - The Wildest Dream'
Atlantic Productions/ Cinema Feature & TV Releases
1 x 90 mins & 1 x 50mins (contributing);  HD F900R;  Director: Anthony Geffen
Following an ascent of Everest by Conrad Anker, who found George Mallory's body in 1999. Contributed to filming of the feature doc & filmed & co-directed the behind-the-scenes film for TV release. Involved filming at 7000m on the North Col. Release: 2010 View clip


'Gardener Provocateur'
BBC Bristol/ BBC2
1 x 60 mins;  DSR;  Director: Georgina Harvey
Alan Titchmarsh presents a tribute to Christopher Lloyd, the prolific writer and pioneering gardener who created a unique world at his lifetime home of Great Dixter TX: December 2006 View clip

'What Makes Britain Rich?'
BBC Bristol/ BBC2
1 x 90 mins (contributing);  DSR;  Directors: Francis Welch, Sarah Feltes, Rachel Jardine
Peter and Dan Snow look at the economic make-up of the Britsh Isles TX: January 2007

‘First Rites’
BBC Bristol/ BBC4
1 x 60 mins;  DSR;  Director: Tom Cholmondeley
How our rites of passage as children have changed, from 3D ultrasound scans to the rise of the school prom TX: March 2007

'Bad Lads Army, Extreme'
Twenty Twenty Television/ ITV
8 x 60 mins (contributing);  DSR;  Series Producer: Duncan Coates
30 young men with problematic backgrounds undergo National Service 1950's style; multi-camera TX: July 2006

'Family Brat Camp'
Twenty Twenty Television/ Channel 4
4 x 50 mins;  DSR;;Directors: Rob McCabe, Kate Schofield
In Idaho following four families on a wilderness programme in an attempt to bring harmony to their turbulent relationships TX: October 2006

'Creating Life On Mars'
BBC Bristol/ BBC4
1 x 20 mins;  DSR;  Director: Francis Welch
Andrew Collins chairs a discussion between the writers and commissioner of the popular retro drama to accompany a re-run of the series on BBC4 TX: April 2006

'Machine Men'
BBC Bristol/ BBC4
1 x 60 mins;  DSR;  Director: Tom Cholmondeley
The relationship between and influence of robots in science-fiction and real life research TX: May 2006

'Carry On Campus'
BBC Bristol/ BBC4
1 x 60 mins;  DSR;  Director: Robert Murphy
The evolution of the new British Universities as told through the campus novel TX: May 2006


'Rude Britannia'
BBC Bristol/ BBC4
1 x 40 mins;  DSR;;Director: Georgina Harvey
How our manners and social behaviour have changed TX: February 2006

'Ready Meals, Britain In a Box'
BBC Bristol/ BBC4
1 x 40 mins;  DSR;  Director: Matt Pelly
The evolution of convenience food at home from boil-in-a-bag to the elaborate meals we see today TX: January 2006

'Poor Little Rich Girls'
Granada Bristol/ ITV
3 of 6 x 60 mins;  Digibeta;  Directors: Sarah Feltes, Vanessa Bewley, Diana Elkins
Observational filming as girls swap from a rags to riches lifestyle and vice versa for a week TX: March 2006

'Brat Camp'
Twenty Twenty Television/ Channel 4
4 x 50 mins;  DSR;  Directors: Rob McCabe, Sharon Walker
Month's observational filming of troubled British teenage girls in a Utah 'Wilderness Academy' contributing to the third series TX: February 2006

'Whose Britain Is It Anyway?'
BBC Bristol/ BBC2
1 x 90 mins (contributing);  Digibeta;  Director: Sebastian Barfield
Dan Snow investigates the considerable land empire of the Duchy of Cornwall. Part of a 90 minute special TX: January 2006

'The Third Programme'
BBC Bristol/ BBC4
1 x 40 mins;  DSR;  Director: Rachel Jardine
Following the emergence of the BBC's 'third' radio programme and its transition to the Radio 3 we know today TX: October 2005

'The British Way Of Death'
BBC Bristol/ BBC4
1 x 40 mins;  DSR;  Director: Robert Murphy
The changes in our approach to how we are dispatched TX: February 2006

'The Spinnaker's Shadow'
Touch Productions/ BBC South
1 x 30 mins;  DSR;  Director: Owen Rodd
The story of the controversial new tower in Portsmouth's harbour and the historical area in which it sits TX: July 2005
Winner of RTS Award Best Programme About The Region 

'World Cup Stories: Italy - The Enemy Within'
BBC Bristol/ BBC2
1 of 6 x 60 mins;  Digibeta;  Director: Sally Thomson
The rise and fall of Italian football from the tainted triumphs of the 30s through to the remarkable victory of 1982 TX: June 2006

'MPs On The Box'
BBC Bristol/ BBC4
1 x 30 mins;  DSR;  Director: Ian Pye
How politicians have been portrayed on television from the days of deference, through satire to the current climate of cynicism TX: May 2005

'England Away'
BBC Bristol/ BBC4
1 x 40 mins;  DSR;  Director: Francis Welch
Looking at why the English football fan travels extensively abroad, the accompanying trouble and what it says about national identity TX: May 2005

'Court On Camera'
BBC Bristol/ BBC4
1 x 40 mins;  DSR;  Director: Robert Murphy
Filming in the UK & the States for an insight into the effect of cameras within courts and whether we're ever likely to see it in Britain TX: July 2005

'Speak No Evil'
BBC Bristol/ BBC4
1 x 40 mins;  DSR;  Director: Francis Welch
Reflecting on the controversial Northern Ireland broadcast ban of Thatcher's government & whether it succeeded in denying terrorists the 'oxygen of publicity' TX: April 2005


'Cover Stories: London Review Of Books/ Maxim'
Flashback/ BBC2 & BBC4
2 of 4 x 30 mins;  Digibeta;  Directors: Lucy Swingler, Richard Bright
Mariella Frostrup looks at the history and current running of contrasting magazines TX: January 2005

Touch Productions/ Meridian & West Country
8 x 30 mins;  DSR;  Director: Amanda Bumpsteed
Julian Hudson delves into the world of historical re-enactors for a unique insight into the past TX: May 2005

'In The Footsteps Of Churchill'
Quickfire Media/ BBC2 & BBC4
4 of 8 x 30 mins;  DSR;  Directors: Lucy Swingler, Mark Fielder
Military historian Richard Holmes traces the life of the great British statesman TX: April 2005

'Pile It High, Sell It Cheap'
BBC Bristol/BBC4
1 x 40 mins;  DSR;  Director: Robert Murphy
Charting the rise to dominance of supermarkets from humble grocer origins TX: January 2005

'Tales From The Green Valley'
Lion Television/ BBC2
12 x 30 mins;  Digibeta;  Director: Peter Sommer
Filming of whole series where a 'family' of experts work an entire year on a reconstructed 17th century farm TX: Autumn 2005 View clip

'Paul Watson'
BBC Bristol/ BBC4
1 x 45 mins;  DSR;  Director: Sally Thomson
A look at the work and influence of the pioneering British documentary filmmaker TX: September 2005

'Drugs In Sport'
BBC Bristol/ BBC4
1 x 45 mins;  DSR;  Director: Louise Hibbins
The history of the use of chemical aids to enhance sporting performance TX: October 2004

'The Black & White Minstrel Show'
BBC Bristol/ BBC4
1 x 45 mins;  DSR;  Director: Stephanie Wessell
The story of the popular television show and accompanying controversy TX: June 2004

'Art School'
BBC Bristol/ BBC4
1 x 45 mins;  DSR;  Director: Sebastian Barfield
The impact and importance of the art school movement of the '60s TX: June 2004


'Profile: J.M.Coetzee'
BBC Bristol/ BBC4
1 x 30 mins;  DSR;  Director: Sebastian Barfield
Author Christopher Hope travels to Cape Town for a film about the Nobel & Booker winning South African writer TX: December 2003

'Demolition Squad'
Granada Bristol/ Channel 5
3 of 6 x 30 mins;  Digibeta;  Director: Adrian Padmore
Following the UK's top demolition experts blowing up high rise flats, cranes and power stations TX: March 2004

'Ten Days To D-Day'
3BM/ Channel4
2 x 60 mins;  Digibeta;  Director: Marion Milne
Additional camera on Emmy award winning drama documentary commemorating the anniversary of D-Day TX: May 2004

'Profile: Isabel Allende/ Richard Rorty'
BBC Bristol/ BBC4
2 x 30 mins;  DSR;  Director: Carole Lochhead
Interviews contributing to profiles about the Chilean author & American philosopher TX: September 2003

'Wild Survival Guide'
BBC Wildvision/ Animal Planet
1 x 90 mins;  Digibeta;  Director: Doug Hope
Canadian comedian Colin Mochrie against bluescreen in a Toronto studio for a tongue-in-cheek guide to surviving animal attacks TX: May 2004

'Superhomes: Moscow'
Flashback/ BBC2
1 of 6 x 50 mins (contributing); Digibeta & DV;  Director: Louise Wardle
Additional observational filming in Russia looking at how the wealthy are reacting to the novelty of property ownership TX: August 2004

'Watching You'
BBC Bristol/ BBC4
1 x 45 mins;  DSR;  Director: Sebastian Barfield
The use of covert cameras in television production, from investigative reporting to reality TV TX: May 2003

'The Great British Seaside Holiday'
BBC Bristol/ BBC4
1 x 45 mins;  DSR;  Director: Amanda Reilly
Exploring the history of the British love of holidays by the sea TX: May 2003

BBC Bristol/ BBC4
1 x 45 mins;  DSR;  Director: Sebastian Barfield
The modern history of the guru phenomenon, including religion, business & science-fiction TX: March 2003


'Heroes of World War II'
3BM/ Channel 5
3 of 10 x 30 mins;  Digibeta;  Director: Marion Milne
Pieces to camera with historian Nigel Spivey looking at wartime pioneers and innovators TX: September 2003

'Flooded Britain'
BBC Bristol/ BBC4
1 x 50 mins;  Digibeta;  Director: Jonathan Clay
The future of flood management in the UK concentrating on the Essex coast TX: January 2003
Winner of British Environmental Media Award

Granada Bristol/ Channel 5
1 x 50 mins;  Digibeta;  Director: Georgina Harvey
Filming in Poland and the UK to reveal the planning and detail behind the Nazi camp TX: January 2003


'Watch Out'
BBC Natural History Unit/ BBC2
Digibeta, 16mm;  Series Producer: Mike Beynon 
Series camera on presenter -led natural history magazine programme